Privacy statement

01 Introduction

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education Limited (ABN 91 096 854 385) (FARE, Us, We, Our) is the leading not-for-profit organisation working towards an Australia free from alcohol harms, through developing evidence-informed policy, enabling people-powered advocacy and delivering health promotion programs.

We and Our staff, volunteers and interns who operate:

FARE is committed to respecting the privacy of all individuals who We deal with in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in Schedule 1 of the Act.

This Privacy Policy has been prepared in accordance with APP 1 and sets out how We deal with the collection, security, quality, use, handling and disclosure of your Personal Information and Sensitive Information in accordance with the Act.

Any individual who provides Personal Information or Sensitive Information to Us consents to Us collecting, using, storing, and disclosing that Personal Information or Sensitive Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This includes any information provided through your interaction with Us, use of any of Our services, and use of the above FARE sites, applications, software, or any other website through which you communicate with Us including through FARE social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vimeo and YouTube (collectively referred to in this policy as the ‘Sites’).

This Privacy Policy is freely available on Our website at or by contacting Us directly to request a copy free of charge.

From time to time, it may be necessary for Us to review and revise Our Privacy Policy. We will notify you about changes to this Privacy Policy by posting an updated version on Our website, with revised versions taking effect from the time they are published.

02 What is personal information and sensitive information?

Under the Act, you have certain rights in relation to the management of your Personal Information and Sensitive Information which is defined as follows:

  • Personal information means any information or opinion about an individual who is reasonably identifiable (Personal Information).
  • Sensitive information means Personal Information about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record or physical or mental health (Sensitive Information).

The nature of the Personal Information or Sensitive Information We collect will vary depending on the types of interactions you have with Us.

03 What type of data may We collect and hold?

The type and amount of Personal Information We collect about individuals varies depending on the circumstances in which We are dealing with you.

Personal Information We may collect information including your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, bank/credit card details, gender, occupation, educational and work history, and the internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using.

As a general rule, We don’t collect Sensitive Information about you. In circumstances where We require Sensitive Information for a lawful purpose, We will seek your consent to collect it.

We try at all times to only collect the Personal Information We require to enable Us to perform the particular function or activity We are carrying out.

04 When do We collect Personal Information?

We normally collect personal information directly from you and may collect Personal Information from you in a number of different ways including when you provide Personal Information to Us over the phone, in person, by email, completing a form or through the use of Our Sites.  You can browse Our Sites without telling Us who you are or providing any Personal Information.

Situations where We may collect Personal Information from you include when you:

  • make a donation or purchase materials;
  • request merchandise;
  • use Our “Contact Us” form;
  • participate in or register for an event;
  • apply for volunteer or employment opportunities;
  • subscribe to Our newsletter or mailing list service;
  • post information on the Sites; and
  • participate in surveys and petitions.

We may collect your Personal Information through third-parties including Raisely which may receive your name, contact details (phone number and email), address and payment details for donation purposes – their Privacy Policy is available at

Occasionally We may also collect Personal Information about you from publicly available sources such as the telephone directory, and occasionally from third party sources. When We do so, We will take reasonable steps to ensure that We make you aware of the collection of your information in accordance with the Act.

When We collect Personal Information from you, We expect you will only provide information that is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We will only collect Personal Information by lawful and fair means, and not in an unreasonable or intrusive way.

Where it is lawful and practical to do so, you may have the option of interacting with Us anonymously or by using a pseudonym.

If We are not able to collect Personal Information about you in some situations We may not be able to provide you with products, services or assistance to the extent that they require Us to collect, use or disclose Personal Information.

05 How do We use the information We collect?

We will collect, hold, use and disclose your Personal Information as reasonably necessary to carry out Our activities and functions and as permitted by law. These purposes include:

  • processing donations;
  • fulfilling and processing your requests;
  • responding to your queries;
  • keeping you up to date with Our latest news and special events;
  • conducting research or surveys;
  • employee and volunteer recruitment;
  • providing updates to Our supporters;
  • improving the quality of the Sites and the services We provide;
  • providing you with promotional information – in accordance with the Act and other relevant laws – about Our services and campaigns, which may include targeted advertisements on social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram;
  • administrative purposes such as research, planning, service development, security and risk management;
  • facilitating Our processes and provision of products and services, which may include disclosure to third parties;
  • where We are required or authorised by law to; and
  • purposes related to those described above which would reasonably be expected by you.

In addition, where you have consented, We may use your Personal Information to conduct marketing by way of mail, telephone, email and SMS.

If you do not wish to receive any such information, you always have the right to opt-out of receiving this information and may contact Us using the contact details set out in section 11 of this Privacy Policy.

We may also use Personal Information collected from you to update your existing information, and to acquire new supporters to support Our ongoing cause. For example, if you sign a petition, We may contact you to ask you to donate to, or get involved in, some other action in connection with the work that We do.

06 Who do We disclose your information to?

We may disclose your Personal Information for the purposes listed above, or as otherwise permitted by the Act to third parties, including to:

  • Survey Monkey, which may receive your name and email for the purposes of issuing surveys, capturing feedback or conducting research – their Privacy Policy is located at;
  • MailChimp, which may receive your name, organisation and email for the purpose of sending Our newsletter or other communications – their Privacy Policy is located at;
  • SalesForce, which may receive your name, organisation, address, email, phone number and date of birth, for the purpose of storing and managing the Personal Information we hold – their Privacy Policy is located at;
  • Raisely, which may receive your name, contact details (phone number and email), address and payment details for fundraising purposes – their Privacy Policy is located at;
  • related entities, commercial parties (including parties with whom We have a commercial arrangement) and affiliates;
  • service providers including organisations that provide archival, auditing, body corporate, consulting, debt collection, banking, marketing, advertising, mail house, delivery, recruitment, call centre, technology, research, utility and security services; and
  • Australian and foreign law enforcement agencies, bodies, authorities and courts.

Some of the recipients to whom We may disclose your Personal Information to may be based overseas and store your information on servers located overseas, including in the United States of America and Japan.

Otherwise, We do not generally disclose Personal Information to other organisations unless:

  • it is reasonably necessary; or
  • you give your consent; or
  • it is required or authorised by law including in emergency situations or to assist law enforcement, in accordance with the Act.

Although if you post this information on the Sites, it may become publicly available to third parties.

There are certain circumstances where We are entitled to disclose Personal Information without your consent, including if We believe there is a serious and imminent threat to the life, health or safety of yourself or the public, for legally permitted law enforcement activities, or where otherwise required or authorised by or under law.

07 How is your information held?

Your Personal Information may be stored in hard copy documents or in electronic form in Our computer systems, including as stored by Our third-party service providers which store information on servers in Japan and the United States of America.

We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from loss, modification, unauthorised access and misuse. Including through Our technology infrastructure, Our internal risk management framework and security policies and procedures and ensuring all donations and communications through the FARE websites are processed via a secure server.

All personal information that has been collected from you will only be kept for a limited duration that is relevant to the purpose for which your personal information is to be used, or for as long as required by applicable law.

As required by the Act, We will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify any personal information that is no longer required for a permitted purpose.

08 Website, Cookies and Social Media


We may collect and disclose the following information through Our website, either ourselves or through Google Analytics or Facebook Pixels (which are hosted by a third-party):

  • your computer or device’s IP address (collected and stored in an anonymized format);
  • device screen size
  • device type, operating system and browser information (such as type and language);
  • geographic location (country only);
  • referring domain and out link if applicable;
  • search terms and pages visited (clickstream data); and
  • date and time when website pages were accessed.

We will treat any Personal Information collected through Our Sites in the same way as other Personal Information We collect.

We may use this information to provide better services to users of the Sites, customise the Sites based on your preferences, compile and analyse statistics, recruit new supporters and trends and otherwise administer and improve the Sites for your use.

If you would like further information about how these services may use your information, Google Analytics’ privacy policy is available at: and Facebook Pixels privacy policy is available at:


A cookie is a piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser. We may collect cookies to understand how online services are used.

We may use cookies for several reasons, to remember your viewing and style preferences from a previous use of Our Sites. Our websites may also transfer cookies on computers and devices that access Our Sites for record keeping purposes, for example, your usage, the time and duration of your visit, the pages you visit.

If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you may be able to change your browser preferences to remove all cookies and reject all cookies before accessing Our Sites.

Links to other websites

Our Sites may contain links or references to other websites or organisations. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of the linked websites and other pages hosted by Us on behalf of other organisations.

Our Sites may include links to third party websites that are not related to or maintained by Us, and We do not necessarily endorse the content on any third-party website. Any such links are provided purely for your convenience. We are not responsible for content on any third-party website or for its security or privacy measures.

Third party websites may have their own privacy and security policies, which We encourage You to read before supplying any Personal Information to them.

Social Media and networking

We use social media networks, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vimeo and Twitter, to communicate with the public.

When You communicate with Our social media platforms, We may collect Your Personal Information, for the purpose of using it to communication with You and the public. The social media webpages may also collect, use and hold Your Personal Information, for its own purpose. We recommend You consider the Privacy Policies of these social media websites prior to using the same. These social media websites may store Your Personal Information overseas.

09 How can you Access the Personal Information that We hold about you?

You have a right to access the personal information that We hold about you at any time, subject to certain exemptions under the Act (see APP 12).

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information We collect, hold, use or disclose is accurate, complete, up-to-date and relevant to Our dealings with you and the nature of Our relationship with you.

If you would like to request access to or request a correction or amendment of, your personal information held by Us, you may contact Us in writing. The relevant contact details are provided below (see “How to contact Us”).

When you contact Us, please include enough information to allow Us to address your request or concern, which may include your name and contact details.

If We decline your request to access that information or to correct it, We will provide you with written notice setting out the reasons why your request has been refused and the mechanisms available to you to make a formal complaint about the refusal.

10 How can you make a complaint?

If you have any questions or concerns about Our collection, use, quality, security or disclosure of Personal Information or believe that We have not complied with this Privacy Policy or the Act, please contact Us as via the contact details set out below.

We will respond to your complaint within a reasonable period, and in the first instance We will endeavour to take any steps necessary to resolve the matter within 30 days.

We will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five business days, and to complete Our investigation into your complaint in a timely manner.  This may include, for example, gathering facts, locating and reviewing relevant documents, and speaking to relevant individuals.

When contacting Us, please provide as much detail as possible in relation to the query, issue or complaint.

FARE expects its procedures will deal fairly and promptly with your complaint. However, if We are unable to resolve your complaint or if you are unhappy with the outcome, you may be able to lodge a complaint with the relevant regulator, such as the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner via its enquiries line on 1300 363 992, or via its website at

If you lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, or another regulatory body, We may use and disclose your Personal Information to assist in any resulting investigation or proceeding.

11 How do you contact Us?

If you would like to contact Us about any privacy-related matters described above, to request access to or amend Your Personal Information, or would like to make a complaint regarding Our conduct in relation to your Personal Information, please contact Us at:

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (ABN 91 096 854 385)
GPO Box 577
Canberra ACT 2600
Phone: (02) 5104 9311