Community stories

If some of the information on this website is new to you, you’re not alone. Sometimes it helps to hear and read the experiences of others.

We are asking people across Australia to share their experiences. Below are a collection of the personal stories, reflections and quotes about alcohol, pregnancy, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Pregnant woman sitting with female friend and showing photo of ultrasound


Hear stories from our community

Karyn’s story

Karyn wanted to support the young people in her community and provide them with mentoring to help them thrive.

Sue’s story

Sue discusses why it’s so important for partners and family to support women to have an alcohol-free pregnancy.

Vanessa’s story

Vanessa discusses the role parents and carers can play in supporting young people with FASD.

Jenny’s story

Jenny stopped drinking alcohol before she started trying for a baby. She knew it was the best choice for her health, and the health of her baby. While most people were accepting of Jenny’s choice not to drink once she’d announced her pregnancy, Jenny said before the news was public, it was a bit trickier.

Jana’s story

Dr Jana Pittman is a three-time Olympian, mum-of-six, women’s health doctor – and recently became the first ambassador of the Every Moment Matters campaign. 

Taryn, Christy & Robin’s story

Hearing their mum, Robin, talk about her experiences more than three decades ago really brought home to sisters Taryn and Christy just how different current attitudes are to drinking alcohol in pregnancy. 

Breanna’s story

Mother-of-three Breanna McGuire (26) had some odd cravings during pregnancy, but alcohol wasn’t one of them.

Melissa’s story

Achieving an alcohol-free pregnancy is easier when you have support. For Melissa, it helped to know she was not alone and that the people around her supported her decision. Hear from Melissa about what helped her.

Nikki’s story

The experience of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is unique for each person. People with FASD have a range of strengths, talents, and interests, and may need physical, cognitive or behavioural support. Listen to Nikki’s insights on supporting a young person who lives with FASD.

Lauren’s story

When Lauren Pettis (35) and her husband, Phil, began trying for a baby at the end of 2020, the couple made the conscious decision to go alcohol-free for their pregnancy journey.

Gilberto’s story

By anyone’s measure, Gilberto Spencer has lived – and is living – a very impressive life. The 36-year-old from Mexico has travelled the world and lived in major cities including Sydney, which he has called home for several years.

Jen’s story

Jen found a range of enjoyable ways to stay healthy and active during her pregnancies with her sons. She also learned more about why it’s important to avoid alcohol during this time and while breastfeeding. 

Jessica’s story

When Jessica was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) at age 33, it helped her to better understand herself and her experiences of the world. Hear about Jessica’s journey to her diagnosis and how she’s raising awareness of FASD in the community.

Angelene’s story

Angelene’s son lives with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). In this video, she talks about alcohol dependence, her son’s FASD diagnosis and her life now as a passionate FASD advocate.

Claire’s story

In this video, Claire talks about how helpful it was to have the support of the people around her, and shares the activities she enjoyed during her pregnancy.

Mother reading book to her son at home

Sophie’s story 

Sophie had never been a big drinker. So, when her doctor confirmed Sophie’s pregnancy at six-and-a-half weeks, she mentioned the two to three occasions of drinking more than a couple of glasses of wine.

Share your story

Interested in sharing your experiences? Your story matters – and we would love to hear it!

You can share your experience in a sentence or a few paragraphs – whatever you feel comfortable with. Sharing your experience can provide comfort, confidence or courage to others.

Someone from the Every Moment Matters team will be in touch to discuss your story. We always contact you for permission before using any aspect of your story in this project. Your information will always be treated with care and respect, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Female doctor reassuring smiling Vietnamese mature woman

Sometimes it can be difficult to stop drinking alcohol

If it’s difficult for you to stop drinking alcohol, help is available. Speak to your doctor, midwife, or obstetrician for support.

You can also speak with an alcohol support service or alcohol counsellor.

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