Information you might not know about pregnancy and alcohol
This brochure provides evidence-based information about the effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This brochure is available in a range of languages.

What you need to know about the risks of alcohol and pregnancy
This resource explains the risks of drinking alcohol if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

What you need to know about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This resource provides information about what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is, how it is diagnosed, challenges faced by people with FASD, and how to find support.

Strong Born – Social Media Tiles
These social media tiles can be downloaded to your device and posted on social media or other online locations with the hashtag #StrongBorn.

Australian Alcohol Guidelines on Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
This resource sets out advice and evidence on alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding from Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council.

What others can do to support someone to have an alcohol-free pregnancy
This resource provides tips for partners, family and friends on how they can support someone who is pregnant to go alcohol-free.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: a guide for health professionals
This resource provides evidence-based information about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and advice about assessment, diagnosis and supporting people who live with FASD.

Alcohol and pregnancy: A guide for health professionals
This resource sets out evidence-based information about the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

Alcohol and pregnancy: An evidence summary
This resource summarises evidence about the effects of alcohol consumption in pregnancy, including on the pregnancy and effects on the baby.

Alcohol and breastfeeding: A guide for health professionals
This resource sets out evidence-based information on the effects of alcohol consumption while breastfeeding, and guidance on providing advice and support.

Alcohol and breastfeeding: An evidence summary
This resource summarises evidence about the effects of alcohol on breastfeeding, including on breastmilk supply and effects on the baby.

Using the AUDIT-C for assessment of alcohol use in pregnancy
This resource provides guidance on using the AUDIT-C assessment tool with people who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

For Alcohol and Drug Workers (brochure)
This resource provides guidance on how to talk about alcohol use and pregnancy, withdrawal management and referral networks for specialist antenatal care services.

Support for becoming alcohol-free during pregnancy (brochure)
This resource provides information about what to do if you are finding it difficult to stop drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

For Alcohol and Drug Workers (poster)
This poster can be printed and displayed in alcohol and other drug services. It provides key information about alcohol and pregnancy.

Support for becoming alcohol-free during pregnancy (poster)
This poster can be printed and displayed in alcohol and other drug services. It provides key information about alcohol and pregnancy, and how clients can get help.

For Out of Home Carers and Providers (brochure)
This resource provides information about supporting children and young people who may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and referral pathways for diagnosis.

For Out of Home Carers and Providers (poster)
This poster can be printed and displayed in out of home care services. It provides key information about alcohol and pregnancy.

Strong Born – Rural/remote community booklet
This booklet supports community members living in rural and remote communities to yarn about alcohol, pregnancy and FASD.

Strong Born – Urban community booklet
This booklet supports community members living in urban communities to yarn about alcohol, pregnancy and FASD.

Strong Born – Health professionals booklet
This booklet supports health professionals working an ACCHO setting nationally. Designed to be used for awareness raising and information support.

Strong Born – Awareness videos
These videos are based on the Strong Born booklets, and can be used for awareness raising and community engagement.

Strong Born – Posters x 5
These posters can be printed and displayed in ACCHOs and used at events. They provide key messages about alcohol and pregnancy.

Information you might not know about pregnancy, breastfeeding and alcohol
This brochure provides evidence-based information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and alcohol.