Woman sitting on bed and breastfeeding baby

Information you might not know about pregnancy, breastfeeding and alcohol

This brochure provides evidence-based information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and alcohol.

Healthcare professional with digital tablet showing ultrasound image to pregnant woman in the background with her hands on her bare abdomen

Information you might not know about pregnancy and alcohol

This brochure provides evidence-based information about the effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This brochure is available in a range of languages.

Alcohol and other drug workersBrochure
Brochure for alcohol and drug workers

For Alcohol and Drug Workers (brochure)

This resource provides guidance on how to talk about alcohol use and pregnancy, withdrawal management and referral networks for specialist antenatal care services.

Brochure on alcohol-free pregnancy

Support for becoming alcohol-free during pregnancy (brochure)

This resource provides information about what to do if you are finding it difficult to stop drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

BrochureOut-of-home care
FASD brochure for out-of-home carers

For Out of Home Carers and Providers (brochure)

This resource provides information about supporting children and young people who may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and referral pathways for diagnosis.

BrochureOut-of-home care
FASD poster for out-of-home carers

For Out of Home Carers and Providers (poster)

This poster can be printed and displayed in out of home care services. It provides key information about alcohol and pregnancy.